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Select the button below to indicate if you are making a donation or a payment to your account.

If you select to make a payment to your account, the unpaid items in your account will be listed below.  

You may pay the entire amount at once, or split it into multiple payments, buy using the "Pay this amount" dropdown below.  Please note that if you pay by credit card you will be assessed an additional convenience fee.

People With Accounts Pay or Donate Here


Visitors Pay or Donate Here

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Payment Notes

If you prefer to pay your balance by mail, please make your check payable to United Synagogue of Hoboken and send it to 
United Synagogue of Hoboken, 115 Park Avenue, Hoboken, NJ 07030, Please indicate what you are paying for (e.g., membership, preschool, learning center tuition).

If you wish to make a donation to USH, please click on Donate.


If you have questions, please contact the VP Finance

Fri, February 21 2025 23 Shevat 5785