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Cub Event - A Visit by a Seeing Eye Dog (2 of 2)

A Visit from a Seeing Eye Dog (continued)

Gretchen is the Den Leader for our 4th grade "Webelos" Scouts.
She arranged for this visit and started by introducing Trisha.

We had a nice crowd of Cubs, Boy Scouts, parents, and guests.

Before Astro, Rainey was Trisha's guide dog, and was a good
match while Trisha was mostly home-bound. But as Trisha
started getting out more, Rainey couldn't handle the buses
and trains and planes, and so she is now "retired".

Pack 18 made a donation to "The Seeing Eye" in Morristown,
where Trisha and Astro trained together.

As soon as his harness came off, Scouts couldn't wait to
gather round and pet him.

Jack got a two-fer with both Astro and Rainey.

Revised 07/08/16

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Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785